Production Defects/ Mistakes


Sew Tec has opened up to accepting repair and/or correction of manufacturing defects in sewn item runs. This can cover anything from incorrect or misplaced fastenings, labels, etc. Really anything that is found to be wrong at the end of a production run. This can save a company thousands of dollars in material & time, and give them the ability to save the production run for retail. We have the machinery and capability to deal with almost any problem in this area, and welcome all inquiries.

Sewing Machine Repair


After 30+ years maintaining, repairing, and rebuilding all the machinery in our shop, AND knowing how important that has been in the running of Sew Tec, Tom has started offering his services to others.

Attention Customers


Sew Tec is now accepting contract sewing for small productions.
No job too small – No minimum order quantities (MOQ)
Try out our contract sewing service before committing to large dollar, large volume factory productions.

A good way to test your market !

Back from vacation


We had a wonderful summer break: Celebrated Tom’s Birthday , caught some fish for dinner, and even saw some beautiful wild pitcher plants.

Hope to hear about new and exciting projects 🙂



Every sail in this photo was made in our shop, over a span of many years.

It was nice to see this recent gathering of some of the beautiful sails, made by Sew Tec.

Production Fabric Cutting through the years


Technological change facilitated the trend towards centralized cutting and contract assembly. After the invention of the sewing machine, the development of cloth-cutting devices was the next important breakthrough in the mass production of clothing. Long knives, introduced in the 1870s, allowed several layers of material to be cut simultaneously. By the 1890s, cutters could slice through stacks of cloth using electrically driven blades, greatly increasing the speed of this operation.

Line Shaft Pillow Factory


Here’s a photo of the line shaft in use, in a pillow factory. We’re thinking it was sometime before WW II. Tom believes the machines are Singer 45-K ( second photo).

I guess people saw better in those days – cause I can only spot 2 tiny electric light bulbs. Maybe they had really big windows ?

Old Line shaft Sewing Factory


Tom came upon some old photos we thought would be fun to post. They are from a museum in Germany . It used to be a working factory that was turned into a museum. It looks like the sewers just got up and walked away for break time .

The machines were powered by a line shaft,running underneath the tables.This means that all the machines were driven off one motor that was probably outside the sewing room. Each machine had an individual clutch, so that the operator could control their separate machine

Phone out this week 6/15/21


Well we got the rain we wished for, but wouldn’t you know that it knocked out our phone with it. Looks like it’ll hopefully be fixed by ATT on Friday. So in the meantime please contact us only through e-mail. Sorry for any inconvenience.

I prefer having a land line for good clear communication – BUT the phone down is extra annoying !